Saturday 8 September 2012

I think I need a drink.

These past two days have been a roller coaster of emotion and events. I guess I'l start from the beginning...

Thursday night:

After I published the last blog post, Amy and I went to Zellers and bought some notebooks for her to use at school. We also stopped by electronics and found the perfect Christmas gift for Papa Cam, but we couldn't afford it on our own. Amy got the bright idea to ask Grandma to go in on it 50-50. We bought it because we couldn't get hold of Grandma on the phone (Mistake number one, there are no returns at Zellers because they are closing out.) We then snuck it into the house and hid it under our bed. Then we went to Grandma's place. She agreed to pay half.

We went to the library and did our thing until they closed at 9.

Back at home, I read one of the books I got out. It was a book about Leukemia but I don't recommend it as it is over ten years old and some of the information is outdated - it was Surviving Leukemia: A practical guide. I read it over a couple hours (I'm a fast reader) While reading it, I started developing a severe pain in my lower left stomach. I took Amy downstairs to talk as soon as she'd finished her homework.

Unfortunately, as soon as we got downstairs (Just before midnight) we got a call from Grandpa telling us to tear up the check Grandma had given us, saying that it was too much money to spend on Christmas gifts and they couldn't do it with two rents - assisted living and nursing home - to pay. Obviously this greatly depressed Amy and in my emotional state from reading an outdated book on Leukemia, things went downhill fast.

I ended up telling Amy everything that was on my mind - the pain in my stomach, the headaches being a sign of the cancer getting into the cerebrospinal fluid as I had just read, the fact that I was now convinced I had a couple of months to live if I wasn't treated soon. Amy broke down and cried, then begged me to let her take me to the ER. And so we went.

We spent hours in emergency waiting to hear from the doctor. Only to be told that the blood tests didn't show anything to worry about, that the ER doc didn't think I had leukemia based on the tests (But I can read the orders, you see, and they didn't do a complete blood count, just a basic blood panel and a pregnancy test), and that the doctor thought it was related to my polycystic ovaries. Because sometimes cysts burst and it can be a bit painful. Nevermind that by this time I not only had severe pain in my stomach but a migraine brewing, and was obviously very pale - Amy said I looked pretty sick. We went and did half the paper route, then Amy took me home and picked up her dad for work. I had a sandwich and went to bed, where I dreamed for four hours and woke up at about 10 AM and couldn't get back to sleep.


Depressed from the events of the early morning and still feeling tired and sick, I went to my baking class at 1:30 PM. We made blueberry cheesecake cupcakes, but they had spinach and sweet potatoes in them because this month's theme is "Deceptively Delicious" - supposedly there are healthy ingredients you wouldn't expect to find in baking, and you can't taste them in the finished product. The cupcakes were good, but they don't taste like blueberry cheesecake.

After the baking class, we went to see Cirque du Soleil: Quidam. It was fun. I really enjoyed it. But it was hard to follow the story line which I think would have made it much better. Well it was definitely worth seeing once, especially considering the tickets were free.

After that we used a groupon to go to dinner at The Spice Jammer, an East Indian restaurant that is really good, but kind of expensive. I was overfull and honestly felt a little sick because of eating too much - I think my lack of appetite lately has shrunk my stomach. Amy had hers double suicide hot and still thought it wasn't spicy. I think she has burned out half her taste buds! Mine was between medium and hot, and could have been hotter, but because of the stomach issues I have been having I didn't want it the way I usually eat food (Between hot and extra hot) If it came back up I didn't want to burn up! Haha.

Back at home I went to bed fairly quickly. I was tired after all that had happened. Slept till about 4PM when I got up and had a sandwich and checked all my email and facebook and such. Now waiting for Amy to get home from work so we can go see a movie later.

Tomorrow we are going camping for a night - probably to Juan de Fuca beach. It should be fun.

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