Tuesday 18 September 2012

Energy, or lack thereof.

So I'm sitting in the library, Amy is across from me studying her psychology text for a quiz tomorrow. And it occurred to me, I have slept away most of my days for the past couple of weeks, seldom having energy for anything, what on Earth could be making me so tired? It can't be something I'm doing. Earlier today I got up in the late afternoon, ate some mac and cheese and some roasted red pepper crackers, and went downstairs to the bedroom again where I read for a good hour or so, then watched Chasing Rainbows, an hour long documentary by the BC Cancer Agency about young adults with cancer. I recommend it. But even just that, a good two and a half to three hours of barely anything, tired me out. Of course I can't just go back to sleep, by this time Amy has come home and wants to spend time with me, and I with her. But I am EXHAUSTED.

What can I possibly do to bring my energy levels back up? I'm trying desperately to eat right, but there is only so much I can do when everything tastes off and eating more than a tiny amount makes me want to puke and I feel overfull. I'm craving carbs because I need the quick energy. It's terrible.

And that's the thing - food tastes different to me right now. I am hyper sensitive to salt - the mac and cheese, basic Kraft Dinner stuff, was so salty I had to force it down because I needed to eat something other than crackers and candies. Water tastes oddly metallic. Pop always seems flat to me though I still enjoy the flavours. Chocolate tastes metallic. I am relying on my baking class this month - the theme of which is hiding healthy things in traditionally unhealthy foods - to get nutrition, which is not good. Sugar has been my main source of energy for over a week now because I just can't stand the tastes of anything that is not sweet in some way.

I wonder how things will be for this year's national novel writing month. I have so little energy that I wonder if I will be a good Municipal Liaison. I may have to organise things from the background this year and let Leanna and Kali do most of the other work. And thank God we have Kali this year!

I also wonder if I will be able to go to school next year. If it's cancer I will likely still be in chemo when classes start. I will probably not have the energy or strength to do it next year. But that's a fair way away right now, one day at a time right?

One more week until my hematologist appointment.

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